Pastor Tim Lehman

Pastor Tim Lehman is the Pastor of Shannon Baptist Church located in Shannon, Illinois.
Pastor Lehman graduated from Bob Jones University and Seminary with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Youth Ministries; in 1995, he graduated with a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Studies; and in 1997, he graduated with a Master of Science Degree in Biblical Counseling.
He is currently working on his doctorate in Biblical Ministry through Central Seminary Graduate School of Divinity in Minneapolis, MN. He plans to complete his doctorate next year.
Pastor Lehman and his wife, Heather, have four children.
We would like to extend a personal invitation for you to visit Shannon Baptist Church-a place where you can find God’s love in a personal way.
Our services are designed with the entire family in mind. We are committed to helping you know Christ and grow strong spiritually. God’s Word has an answer for all of life’s problems, and Jesus can meet your every need.
From our Sunday School classes for every age, Christ-honoring music program, dynamic youth and children’s programs, quality nurserycare, and excellent Bible Study via Faith Bible Institute, you will sense a genuinely friendly atmosphere that reflects the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. We desire for you to experience the abundant life that comes only through knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.
-Pastor Tim and Heather
Pastor Justin serves as assistant pastor at Shannon Baptist Church.
Pastor Justin graduated from Maranatha Baptist University in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts in Church Music and Arranging/Composing.
He is currently working on his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies through Maranatha Baptist Seminary.
Pastor Justin and his wife Maisie have one precious little girl.
Pastor Justin Bachmann